Thursday, April 9, 2009


So it's back to school time, yet again! Spring break was fun, but very short lived. It seems as though by the time I get used to waking up to that alarm clock every morning, the term is over. Then the break comes and I get used to sleeping in, just to have to become accustomed to that 8 A.M. buzzer, AGAIN! The smartest way to avoid this would probably be to continue my 8 A.M. wake up through the breaks, but I feel as though that defeats the purpose of the "break." So here I am drudging through these first couple weeks of school, trying to stay awake through my classes while trying to learn new information at the same time. It's an uphill battle that I am constantly struggling with. However I do it all with a smile, because although the ride might be rough the end destination is always in sight, and that's enough to get me out of bed each morning :)

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